The North Pole Ice Is Breaking Up While ExxonMobil Continues to Oppose Action on Global Warming
Over the last 60 days, we have seen many signs of global warming, and the ice conditions have been much worse than we ever anticipated. The closer we got to our destination, the more the ice broke up. We spent more and more time in our canoes, and we really believe that we may be the first and last people on Earth who will ever reach the North Pole in summer by foot. Unless we all do something now to combat global warming, those who follow in our footsteps may not be walking at all, but may arrive here by sailboat instead. The scientists from the National Snow and Ice Data Center, who have helped guide our progress during this expedition, tell us this summer could be a record breaking year for melting ice in the Arctic.
Meanwhile, ExxonMobil continues to use the power of its money and lobbying to combat the attempts of citizens across the globe to take action to reduce global warming. Until ExxonMobil joins with us to battle against global warming, rather than battle against us, we must turn their own battle against the citizens and enviroment of the world against them, and "mobilize against Exxon."
From Greenpeace, here are 5 reasons why ExxonMobil is even worse than other oil companies:
1. ExxonMobil tries to convince the public that global warming isn't happening even though ExxonMobil is one of its main causes. It spends millions of dollars on misleading propaganda every year.
2. ExxonMobil has played a leading role in sabotaging international attempts to stop global warming. It would rather sell more gasoline than protect future generations.
3. ExxonMobil doesn't believe renewable energy has a future. "With no readily available economic alternatives on the horizon, fossil fuels will continue to supply most of the world's energy needs for the foreseeable future." --Lee Raymond, ExxonMobil CEO, 1997
4. ExxonMobil is the biggest oil company in the world - its profits totalled more than US$12 billion in 2000. If anyone can afford to help stop global warming it's ExxonMobil.
5. ExxonMobil was one of the main financial contributors to George Bush's election campaign. As soon as George Bush became president, he announced that the U.S. would pull out of international agreements to stop global warming - exactly the position that ExxonMobil was promoting.
This is disturbing. I hjad heard that humans, plants, and animals emit more CO2 than the factories that are often blamed for global warming but even if that's true, the amount of pollution in the air now is disgusting. Clearly something is happening to the ozone layer, however gradual it may be and something needs to be done.
Such a shame neo-conservative presidents like Bush won't sign the Kyoto Protocol and help reduce emissions. Oh well. I suppose you can't expect a man who started a war in Iraq without the approval of the U.N. to sign an agreement which holds him to any global standards.
Still, I pose the qustion: We can deal with military-related, economic, and sociological problems now but if we're not around to enjoy the fruits of our labor what good does it do us? Global warming is happening, slow or fast, and this apathy from American leaders and corporate heads is concerning.
The Green Party released an article the other day about why socialism is ultimately better for the environment. You may find it interesting.
-Comrade Dave
Corporate power will always put short-term profits above the survival of mankind.
It's urgent that we try to get mainstream Americans to become active on this issue while at the same time attempting to awaken them from the stupor that corporate media and advertising have put them in.
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