Friday, July 21, 2006

Bush Administration Policy of STAY and BLEED in Iraq is Losing the so-called "War on Terrorism": Overwhelming Majority of Policy Experts Agree

According to the overwhelming majority (84 percent) of top foreign policy experts surveyed by Foreign Policy magazine and the Center for American Progress, we are losing the war on terrorism.

For further documentation of this point, see the newly published book by Washington Post war correspondent Thomas Ricks, FIASCO: The American Military Adventure in Iraq.

So now the only question for the Democratic Party is: When will it stop allowing Republican rhetoric about "cutting and running" to continue to cow Democrats in Congress into a defensive strategy? When will the Democrats turn this deceptive rhetoric around and put the emphasis where it should be: ON the fact that the Republican Strategy is one of keeping American Soldiers in Iraq to "stay and bleed" while the Bush administration continues to act without any clear policy whatsoever for decreasing the violence in the Middle-East?

When will the Democrats in Congress go on the offensive and label the Republican strategy what it is: a "stay and bleed" strategy of doing nothing while soldiers continue to die for the completely failed and inadequate policy agenda of the Bush administration?!!

To repeat (in case it's not clear yet!): It's time the Democrats start to speak out more boldly and clearly about the "stay and bleed" policy of the Republican administration and their Congressional lackeys. Until they do, and until our Congressional representatives of both parites get to work to produce a strategy that will either decrease the violence or get our soldiers out of it, US soldiers will continue to die in an ill-concieved, deceptive, and profiteering war created by an administration without vision or concern for the real suffering of American or Iraqi families, and for the increasing levels of violence this failed policy has been producing throughout the Middle-East.

It's time for a big change, and if our current members of Congress are not willing to make that change happen, the people of the United States must put into Congress people who will make that change.


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